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  • clarkbarayuga

Python Coding for Feather (Week of 10/17)

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

This week I got a lot of software work done for my stoplight project. On Monday I was able to control the stoplight through the Adafruit dashboard with 3 separate switches. Here's a video of me switching them on and off.

After that I did some more research into how I would implement the schedule into the code and found that MicroPython (Python for microcontrollers) was the solution. This would allow me to write Python on the microcontroller itself. The latter part of my week was spent researching and following guides for MicroPython. MicroPython is pretty similar to Python so I spent some time on W3 schools following the online tutorials learning more Python. This is all in preparation for implementing the schedules into the code. I still have more to learn about Python before I get all 4 schedules in the code and triggering each light on time.

Some of my code

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